Saturday, July 26, 2008

Kade is 8 Months Old!

Kade is 8 months old... and falling and bumping into everything.Tonight he managed to fall into the coffee table TWICE resulting in a bruise on his cheek and forhead! Poor guy, I'll be glad when he gets some balance and is able to walk. He still doesn't have any teeth but I really think it will be soon, he is chewing and drooling a lot! I officially have stronger arms and have muscles that would make some people jealous... haha, and all thanks to me sweet baby Kade! He is heavy and tall. Kade is wearing 18-24 month clothes now. What shocks me is that the next size is 2T!! LOL!!
We are so blessed to have such a happy kid! He is constantly amazing me and keeping me on my toes. Tonight, he discovered that there is water in the dog dish and kept slapping the water until there wasn't any left in the bowl and it was all over him and the floor, wall, ect.
Next month we go back to the doc and get height and weight! I have entered all his info this far and well he is off the charts... I'd imagine that the football scouts will be calling any day now (only kidding)!


Andrea and Joshua Jones said...

He seriously is so big... not like big fat, but tough and tall! we love every bit of him! cant wait till friday